Rio Grande Trail & Glenwood Bike Network Signage
The City of Glenwood Springs reached out to Pointe Strategies to do the mapping and graphic design for a refresh and update of the signage along the Rio Grande Trail within the City. Working with the CoG Trails Coordinator, Pointe Strategies inventoried the important features to emphasize in the updated maps, created a basemap showing terrain, roadways, rivers, parks and then collaborated to create a design template.
During the graphic design and layout phase, PS created custom icons for all amenities shown on the maps, adding callouts for parks and trail systems. Titles, text boxes, insets and legends were added, creating alternative layouts for review by the CoG project manager. After review and approval of final designs high quality printable files were created for the sign shop, and all digital files were handed over to the client for future use.
In total six new signs were created and posted throughout the city to educate and enable non-motorized users.